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Support Care Camps in Canada

CCRVA is proud to support Care Camps, the charity founded by campground owners, and we invite our members to join us! Launch a “Donate at Check-In” campaign, host fundraising events and games, or find a way to contribute that’s unique to your business! Everything you need to do a simple fundraiser is in the toolkit below. However you contribute, we can’t thank you enough for your generous and continued support of this worthy cause.  The best part?  Because of a generous donation from KOA, all of Care Camps administrative costs are covered, so 100% of what you raise or donate goes directly towards helping the kids!

Care Camps is a registered Canadian charity founded by campground owners that helps kids with cancer get to experience the healing power of the outdoors by sending them to specialized oncology camps serving every province in Canada.  At Care Camps, kids get all the medical care they need, along with counselling, and they do it all surrounded by the healing power of nature.  Care Camps allow kids with cancer to connect with other kids who understand exactly what they are going through, creating friendships that last a lifetime.  At Camp, kids can forget about the chemo, the radiation, and all the hard stuff that comes with cancer….and just be a child again.  Will you help us get kids in the outdoors?

Care Camps believes healing doesn’t just happen in hospitals.

Their Mission is to allow children living with cancer to enjoy the joy, healing and freedom that comes from attending specialized oncology camps where they can just be themselves. Through the camp experience, they can learn many of the skills necessary to meet the extraordinary challenges that they will face while fighting their disease.

You can make a difference in the life of a child with cancer.

If you could make a difference in the life of a child with cancer, would you? Would you look for a way to bring them hope and help them heal? Would you find ways where they could feel “normal” again? Care Camps, says “Yes.” And more importantly, they do something about it. We invite you to make a difference in the lives of these children.
Please donate to Care Camps today.

Fundraising Made As Easy as 1…2….3!

Check out these easy toolkits that allow your business to raise money for the Care Camps Cause by hosting unique Fun-Raisers that build community, activities, and unforgettable memories for your guests!

Donate To Care Camps in Canada

Because of you, Care Camps continues to grow and currently supports 135 children’s oncology camps across North America. During 2020 we received more than $1.8 million in donations and have reached a new milestone of $18 million in total donations since our inception in the early 1980s. You can view our annual report here to find out how your donations are impacting children with cancer and their families.

Contact Care Camps